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Sa issa, robots kollaborattivi DUCO intużaw ħafna fil-karozzi, enerġija, semikondutturi, 3C, edukazzjoni u riċerka xjentifika u industriji oħra, il-prodotti huma esportati lejn l-Asja tax-Xlokk, l-Amerika ta 'Fuq, l-Ewropa u għexieren ta' pajjiżi u reġjuni oħra, il-marka influwenza hija magħrufa mad-dinja kollha.


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  • Viżjoni tagħna
    Viżjoni tagħna

    We are Dedicated to the Advancement of Cobot.

  • Missjoni tagħna
    Missjoni tagħna

    Intelligent Collaboration For A Better World.

  • Valur tagħna
    Valur tagħna

    Think differently for innovation; Share ideas and work closely; Deliver real value; Commit client's success.

  • Tim tagħna
    Tim tagħna

    Our globally-minded team of highly skilled professionals from prestigious universities delivers outstanding results and innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of our clients.

  • Is-servizz taghna
    Is-servizz taghna

    Having comprehensive training courses and customer support, as well as after-sales services.


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